JSM GASGAS Trials Team at Round 4 TrialGB

JSM GASGAS Trials Team was at Round 4 of the 2021 British Trials Championship (TrialGB) yesterday and what a superb event it was. Congrats to the Westmorland club for a great event and superb venue.

In the Trial2 Class, 16 year Jack Dance was again in superb form and was on course for his first Trial2 podium until a bad five on the last lap and great last laps from experienced riders Ross Danby and Sam Connor pushed Jack to P5 at the finish. Jack was quietly gutted but knows he’s riding well and this will fuel his fire for round 5 in two weeks’ time. Great news that after 4 consistent rounds he is sitting 3rd in the Championship.

In the Expert Class Lloyd Price was again on the podium in P3 finishing with a brilliant last lap. Lloyd now 3rd in the Expert standings.
Sam Atherton was P38 and was still smiling 😊

In the Youth 125 Class Harry Bowyer was again P4 only a few marks off the podium. Now 4th in the 125 standings.
Thanks to Trials Media for the pics.
Congratulations to all the class winners.

Full results;


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