Teenaged talent

Andrea Sofia Rabino is the 2021 Trial2 Women champion Pic (c) Pep Segales


The youngest champion to be crowned this year in the Hertz FIM Trial World Championship, 15-year-old Andrea Sofia Rabino (Beta) went head-to-head with her compatriot Sara Trentini (Vertigo) at the first three points-scoring events in Italy and France before breaking free in the second half of the season to claim the Trial2 Women title.

A very promising third in her debut season in 2020 with two wins to her name, Rabino was on the podium at every round this year with the up-and-coming Italian star winning four times and finishing second twice to run out winner by a comfortable 23 points.


TrialGP caught up with the rider from Rivoli, just outside of Turin in the north west of the country, to find out what makes her tick.


TrialGP: How long have you been riding and why did you start to ride trial? Was it a member of your family who got you into it?

Andrea: “I started practising at the age of six and it was my dad who passed on the passion to me.”


TrialGP: How does it feel to be Trial2 Women champion?

Andrea: “To be Trial2 Women champion feels very good because it was my goal.”


TrialGP: At just 15 years old you are one of the youngest competitors in the class – did you see this as a disadvantage at the start of the season?

Andrea: “No, it is definitely not a disadvantage – in fact it is an advantage because there is more time to grow.”


TrialGP: After three rounds you and Sara were very close. How did you deal with the pressure?

Andrea: “I had lots of pressure on me but I told myself that the more agitated I was the more likely it was that I would make mistakes so I tried to be as calm as possible.”


TrialGP: Who is your trial hero?

Andrea: “I am definitely inspired by Laia Sanz because I think she is an excellent rider.”


TrialGP: How far would you like to go in trial and what are your goals for next season?

Andrea: “My goal for next season is definitely to make the podium in the TrialGP Women category but even being in the top five would make me happy.”


TrialGP: Is there anyone you would like to thank?

Andrea: “Yes, I would like to thank Sergio Piardi, Matteo Poli who supported me at the events, Daniele Maurinoi who supported me in training and my family.”


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