2022 British Sidecar Championship


Alongside its Solo Trials counterpart, the British Sidecar Championship is one of the oldest British Championships run by the ACU and furthermore, Britain is one of the few countries in the World that run a Sidecar Championship.


The ACU are pleased to announce continued sponsorship of the series by Wessex Plant Hire and the Championship will feature classes for Expert, Intermediate, Clubman and Novices.

This year sees the following rounds :-


MARCH 6TH          RAY THOMAS TRIAL                         GUILDFORD

APRIL 10TH           D.K.MANSELL TRIAL                        CLEE HILL

APRIL 23rd          SOUTHERN MCC TRIAL                   ISLE OF MAN

APRIL 24th            SOUTHERN MCC TRIAL                   ISLE OF MAN

MAY 28TH             ANDY CHEESEMAN TRIAL              EXETER

MAY 29TH             TUCK/CROSS TRIAL                          BRISTOL

JUNE 19TH                  CONGLETON TRIAL                         CONGLETON

JULY 10TH             MEL HARRISON TRIAL                     PATELEY BRIDGE

AUGUST 13TH        RAY DENYER TRIAL                           SEVENOAKS

SEPT 11TH             DONCASTER CUP TRIAL                  MATLOCK


For further details look on the ACU website  www.acu.org.uk


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