Ready to Order – TRIAL MAGAZINE ISSUE 100: Go to the website: and to the black dropdown toolbar at the top, click on Current Issue for a single copy or Subscriptions to receive six copies with an annual subscription.

Issue 100 is available to order in full colour gloss for all your Trials News, Events, Tests and Interviews and so much more. This high-quality independent print publication delivers116 pages in full colour gloss or in digital format carrying superb images and interesting in-depth articles.

Cover Photo: Celebrating Trial Magazine 100 Toni Bou and John Hulme

Celebration: Trial Magazine 100 Super Proud

International: FIM TrialGP All the Action

1993 Apprentice: Dougie Lampkin First BTC Win

Focus: Japan TWC Words from across the Water

Sport: ACU British Championship All the Action

Remembering: David Page 30 Years ago

Film: The Making of EM-2022 SSDT

One Moment 2003 SSDT Joan Pons

Retro: SSDT Small Capacity Engines 125cc Revelation

For UK subscribers check that letterbox from Wednesday the 26th of July onwards and in the news agents for Friday the 28th of July. For all you guys on the go you can find it at most major UK retail outlets and airports in print, it is also available for a ‘Sneak’ preview and across all digital platforms to purchase at Pressreader or Issuu, please click on the link below:

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