Billy the King


Billy become this week end World champion of Trial 2.
It was not until the final round of the Trial GP World Championship in France that the title of Trial 2 World Champion was awarded.
Billy finished P17 on the first day but recovered well on day 2 to finish P2 and claim his first title.

A big well done to him, Nigel Birkett (UK official SCORPA importer) and the whole SCORPA team for contributing to this title.

In trial GP women, Berta is P2 world champion. She was extremely consistent throughout the season, finishing on the podium in every round of the world championship.

Berta and Billy’s podium finishes are proof of the performance and reliability of the new Trial SCORPA 2023.

Results of the World Championship last round in France
J. Casales P12/P12 in TRIAL GP
B. Abellan P2/P2 in Women TRIAL GP
B. Green P17/P2 in TRIAL 2


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