Moto Trial NI Halloween spooktacular

On Sunday 29th of October Moto Trial NI hosted a spooktacular event at the trial park at Whitespots. The club had the idea of hosting a fun arena trial for the youth members for many months and decided to put a Halloween spin on things by hosting it under floodlights.

Entry was open to all youth riders and once the park closed at 4pm the event got under way with the 12 riders who attended getting a walk round the course with Andy before a short practice as darkness fell. In with the lights and on with the show.

There was a great attendance, not only for the riders, but for friends, family, mum’s, dad’s and for a few new faces from the Rockhoppers group, who cater for our younger riders putting events and trianing. All come to see what the club had set up and what trials is all about. As the event was free and was geared towards fun and not a competition there were no winners or losers, but as the times were being noted, there were bragging rights at stake!

As the event proper got started Andy appeared, transformed from meek and mild trials star into a cloaked Dracula complete with bloody fangs and red eyes to take charge of setting the riders off.

This was only the start of the nights surprises, more was to follow.

Each rider did two laps against the clock and it was no surprise that the two most experienced lads, Ben Allen and Alex Andrews on their 125 machines were at the top of the list. Alex put in two laps of 47 secs 88 and 50. 93, while Ben pipped him with laps of 46 secs 79 and 44.21. Both showed that the time they’re spending at Enduro gave them a big advantage on this course, not an easy course either as Andy had a balance beam, a wobble board and a limbo that the riders had to tackle, and add in the shadows cast by the floodlights too.
Not only had some riders dressed for the occasion, so had mums, dads brothers, sisters and the rest of the Moto Trial crew.

Once the trial fun was over Andy handed over to Nicola and Stephen Coulter who had laid on some wonderful food for all. Hot dogs, smores roasted at the fire pit , hot chocolate, and tea and coffee for the grown ups.
Local dj and trials rider Colin Patterson took time off from his regular gigs to spin a few spooky tunes throughout the event, assisted by Miss Dynamite and Mia.

We were unsure how the evening would unfold, especially after the torrential rain on Saturday but thankfully it stayed dry as the large crowd who had attended to watch the trial took in the second surprise of the evening. Andy, ably assisted by Nicola, Stephen, Ryan, Catherine and Stuart had set out a trail up into the park lit by lamps which meandered through the trees with places on the way where there was among other things, a witches coven, a spooky graveyard, bats , spiders, ghosts and ghouls, the odd broken open coffin and at the end of the trail those brave enough to go to the top were met with a mad chainsaw maniac.

At each point there were buckets full of sweets and goodies for the kids, and some of the big kids with them.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the trail, some making a second or third walk up to take it all in, or maybe just to empty the sweets!

Then to end off, more smores, hot dogs and other treats before the night finished.
Chairman Andy would like to place on record his thanks to the whole team who gave up their time to make the event happen, but especially Nicola for putting the props together so well, Stephen, Ryan and Catherine for helping set it all up and to Stuart for playing a part he’s not used to, mad chainsaw man.
He would also like to thank the landowners, Stephen Pearson at U Hire for the lights, toilets etc and Colin Patterson for the tunes. Most importantly though to the riders, family and friends for attending expecially in costume to make the night so enjoyable!

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