A Response from Mick Wren on the ACU on-line system

A Response from Mick Wren on the ACU on-line system


John Hulme – Editor Trial Magazine: “My simple question on what peoples thoughts were on the new ACU on-line system was met with a mixed response on Social Media over the weekend. This morning I received a response from Mick Wren of the ACU which you can read below”


Mick Wren: “Good morning everyone I’m not sure where we are officially with Sport 80 within our own body but in our clubs and Centres and for the riders it has been a disaster. I was part of the process of bringing in this system along with the rest of the Directors and I was genuinely excited about it being launched and I believe we all shared this view”


“I am not seeking to attach any blame to this because I don’t believe there is any but it’s obvious that we have to issue a clear announcement of how we intend to make this system work as it should and how it was intended. It was intended to make our member’s lives and interaction within the ACU easier but at the moment all it has achieved is frustration and anger. When I travelled to Rugby last Wednesday to the ACU headquarters I was constantly fielding calls and messages, we talked about it at length in the Trials & Enduro meeting and I had more calls on the way home. It hasn’t stopped since and last night I had an email from a member of my committee desperately asking that we do something urgently to save our organisation”


“Many of the social media comments are clearly from people who simply don’t know how to behave in a civilised society but many are also genuine clubs and organizations who want this to work and who want to work with us but are genuinely struggling to get the system to do what it should. I sent some people directly to Neil who I thank for helping them through their issues but it shouldn’t be like this. I am asking you all to agree some kind of way forward to make, what after all has been a serious investment, work for us and that we issue a clear declaration to all our members that we will do this and how we will do this”


Thank you – Mick Wren


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