Blue Bar Pre-65 2 Day Trial

Richmond Motor Club held their popular Blue Bar Pre-65 2 Day Trial on the 28th & 29th May. This was the first time the trial has run since 2019 due to Covid-19 and the entries were still in demand with 117 riders starting on both days with a mix of Twinshocks, Pre-65s and modern bikes for the over 40s riders and ladies. 

James Noble

Day 1 took the riders around the local surroundings of Horsehouse, 2 small but testing 5 mile laps proved to be difficult for the majority of the riders, with only 13 riders remaining in single figures. Leading the day were Sam Clarke (Bultaco) and James Noble (Cub) on a single penalty each. Strangely, Day 1 proved to be harder than Day 2 which is unusual at this event; perhaps new Clerk of Course Paul Mugridge was looking to put his stamp on the trial! 

John Maxfield

Day 2 took the riders around Braidley, 2 laps of 7 miles proved to be easier than Day 1 with 24 riders remaining in single figures and 4 riders riding around on clean; Sam Clarke (Bultaco), Andy Hipwell (Honda), Steve Currey (GasGas) and Paul Dennis (Cub). 

Robin Luscombe

Once the results had been calculated, it was 2019 winner James Noble on 2 marks who retained the Blue Bar Trophy, taking the lead from Paul Dennis by 4 marks. John Maxfield (BSA) was the winner and only finisher of the Pre-65 Pre-Unit Class. Robin Luscombe (BSA) led the Pre-65 2-Stroke Class, dropping 11 marks, with George McMeekin (BSA) coming closely behind him with 17 marks lost. It was Sam Clarke leading the Twinshock Class, losing only 1 mark across both days. 

Sam Clarke

Simone Wallis (Beta) led the Ladies Class, dropping 9 marks, followed by Hannah Richardson (TRS) and Seren Walters (Beta) coming in second and third respectively.

In the Over 40s Class on the modern bikes, Steve Currey (GasGas) and Philip Perry (GasGas) both lost 4 marks, with Steve Currey taking the lead on most cleans.

Simone Wallis

The weekend was warm and stayed relatively dry and was enjoyed by the riders and campers.

Steve Currey

A big thank you to the landowners, observers, Clerk of Course and helpers, Secretary, caterers and everybody else involved with the event. Thank you to the riders and families who came and supported the trial.

Blue Bar 2022 – Provisional Results

REPORT: Charlotte Brown & Sam Lambert

PHOTOS: Charlotte Brown

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