Dani Comas Leads in Camprodon

2024 Noassar Trial

Dani Comas has claimed the absolute victory in the eighth edition of the Two Days of Camprodon International Trial after winning the first day and be second on Sunday in the class maximum. Francesc Recio and Marcos Combarro joined him on the podium in that order. Alberto Selma, Gabriel Giró and Francesc Terricabras have been the best in the rest of the classes.

The Noassar Park in Camprodon, the trial area located in the Valley of Camprodon, on the outskirts of the Font Rubí urbanization of the cozy and mountainous town in Girona, hosted this weekend the eighth edition of the Two Days of Camprodon International Trial.

The TK 2024, run by the Moto Club Noassar Park, has maintained its two-day format competition days but unlike previous years it has been held finally under stop regulations for the greater enjoyment of the participants. The 110 participants, as well as the fifty registered followers, who have taken part this year in the most anticipated long-duration race of this spring have completed every day an amazing and long journey through some of the most iconic corners of Noassar Park.

Without going any further, on Saturday the pilots visited the mountain of ‘Les Boleteres’ and one of its spectacular ravines. In fact, this torrent housed half of the 20 zones of that day. Very ‘British’ trial: tough and demanding. On Sunday, on the contrary, another totally different route, with 17 areas, and to be overcome in one single lap. Much easier and ‘classic’ test for the regulars of Catalan.

As in 2022, there have been four levels, or colors, of increasing difficulty:

Yellow, Green, Blue and Red. Of course, the leading Vertigo riders were invited to Show their skills and have had their own classification.

The rider of the green brand Dani Comas has won the maximum category, the level with red doors, after signing a card final with 44 (27+17) penalty points. Then, secondly, Francesc Recio was classified. The man from Ilerda, winner of that level in 2023, has added a total of 47 (37+10) points in the two days, while Marcos Combarro and his 125cc Sherco have completed the podium after totaling between Saturday and Sunday a maximum of 52 (25+27) points. Comas, with his first absolute victory in TK, thus enters the exclusive club formed by Joan Ricart, Amos Bilbao, Álvaro Blázquez, Jaime Busto, Yohito Takeda and Miquel Gelabert as the winner of the Girona event.

On Blue, Francesc Terricabres, with 30 (21+9) points on his card, has surpassed Adrià Albejano, second with 35 (22+13) points, and Josep Vilarrasa, third at also total 35 (15+20) points. On the contrary, in Verde, Gabriel Giró has imposed its law with a maximum of 32 (24+8) points, followed by Biel Bosch, with 48 (28+20) points, and Eusebio Gago, also with 48 (27+21) points. As to the yellow doors, Alberto Selma has won the victory after with 53 (28+25) points; nine less than Jordi Freixanet (41+21). José Luis Monreal, with 67 (36+31) penalties, completed the top places.

You can find the complete classifications of each of the categories on our social networks. On July 6 and 7, Noassar Park will host the first edition for classic motorcycles from the Kmprodon Trial!! We will open registration very soon.

Thank you very much for your trust and we are waiting for you all at TK 2024

Classic!! and TK 2025!!

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