Michelin Maintain the Winning with Harry Hemingway (Beta)

Harry Hemingway (Beta)

In the fight for the 2024 ACU Trial GB British Championship Harry Hemingway (Beta) took his second win of the season to keep his lead at the top of the championship with four rounds now completed. The defending champion Jack Peace (Sherco) finished second with Jack Dance (GASGAS) making the podium for the first time this season.


The championship is observed using the ACU Trial GB marking system where competitors may stop, go sideways, or reverse without penalty, a marking system now used in the FIM Trial World Championship. However, going backwards whilst footing incurs a five-mark penalty. A one and a half minute time allowance for each section is permitted. The course at each round in 2024 can consist of either three laps of 12 sections or two laps of 15 sections at the discretion of the organisers. In the Trial GB class, a rider can drop the worst result from one round of the championship at the end of the season.


Jack Peace (Sherco)

The 2024 ACU Trial GB Championship stayed in the north of the country for round four and the Yeadon Guisley & DMC event at Addingham Moorside near Ilkley, West Yorkshire. The organising club worked closely with the ACU Trial GB team to bring a good event together for the ACU British Trials Championship and the 48 riders who were entered across the three classes: Trial GB (7), Trial 2 (11), and Expert (30). There would be one main route for the Trial GB class and alternative routes marked in different colours for Trial 2 and the Expert class, three laps of 12 sections would be ridden by all three classes.


Jack Dance (GASGAS)

Big rocks and steep technical climbs in the natural terrain of this venue for the trial needed full confidence from the riders due to the intimidating nature of the terrain on this exposed headland. Damp conditions with a heavy fog covering the area greeted the riders making the rocks and steep banks quite moist on the first lap before the sun shone through. As was expected the fight for the win would be between the championship leader Harry Hemingway and Jack Peace and this proved to be the case. With two stops on the first lap, it was Harry on the back foot as Jack took to an early three mark lead as the action unfolded.


George Hemingway (Beta)

As the sections dried it was Harry who pushed the advantage with another good second lap score of a mere five mark loss, the best single lap of the trial, for a total of 17, Jack fell behind on a total of 22 knowing just how costly the stop in section ten had been. It was just a mere five marks splitting them as they entered the third and final lap. Maybe it was the pressure but when Harry stopped in section 10 the gap was closed but an unexpected stop for Jack Peace in section 11 gave the victory to the eldest of the two Hemingway brothers and with it the vital 20 championship points.


Harry Hemingway (Beta): “I approached the event knowing that if I am to take the title in 2024, I needed the win here at Addingham Moorside. The nature of the sections at this venue are big rocks and steep climbs needing maximum commitment and precision riding to pass though them feet-up. With a damp feel in the air early in the morning I needed my Michelin tyres to be at their very best on the opening lap as I knew once the sections dried out, I would be more comfortable with the conditions. Feedback and feel from the Michelin tyres once again proved vital to my success, showing how they can adapt on all types of terrain. I know that the next round will be challenging but I will carry the confidence from this victory in the fight for the 2024 championship”


Results Round Four Mackenzie Cup, Addingham, Yorkshire 09/01/2024

Trial GB Championship Class

1: Harry Hemingway (Beta) 24; 2: Jack Peace (Sherco) 29; 3: Jack Dance (GASGAS) 41; 4: George Hemingway (Beta) 51; 5: Billy Green (Scorpa) 54; 6: Harry Turner (Sherco) 88; 7: Ben Dignan (Montesa) 148.


2024 Trial GB Championship Positions After Four Rounds

1: Harry Hemingway (Beta) 74; 2: Jack Peace (Sherco) 69; 3: Billy Green (Scorpa) 61; 4: Jack Dance (GASGAS) 54; 5: George Hemingway (Beta) 45; 6: Harry Turner (Sherco) 41; 7: Ben Dignan (Montesa) 27.


A full set of results for all the classes can be found on the ACU Trial GB website: www.acutrialgb.org.uk


The 2024 ACU Trial GB British Championship will conclude on the 8th of September at Geddington, Northamptonshire.


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