MICHELIN ‘MASTERS’ – 2021 ACU Trial GB British championship

It was a new name on the ACU Trial GB trophy as Toby Martyn (TRRS UK) was crowned the 2021 ACU Trial GB British champion. In a dominant show from Michelin Tyres, joining Toby Martyn as championship winners were the Trial Expert winner Tom Affleck (MRS Sherco) and in Trial 125 Harry Hemingway (Beta-UK) as Ross Danby (TRRS UK) missed the Trial 2 title by eight points to Andy Chilton (BMS Scorpa).

Following on from the success of the 2020 championship which ran under a new ACU Trial GB marking system, unique to this series, the new rules have been implemented once again in 2021. These rules include a one-minute time allowance for each section to be traversed. Other changes allow competitors to stop, go sideways or reverse without penalty. However, going backwards whilst footing incurs a five-mark penalty. An additional bonus championship point is awarded for the best lap overall at each event this year in all the four classes.

Three laps of twelve separate sections over a compact course at Dudwood Farm near Matlock, Derbyshire was the order of the day with a five-hour time limit to keep them all moving. A total of sixty riders were entered across the four classes Trial GB, Trial 2, Trial 125, Expert. This excellent venue offers a wide variety of sections to test the riders’ skills to the limit and includes huge rock boulders, a wooded area and a stream running through the area with muddy banks and climbs around it. An overcast day was interrupted by very heavy rain showers.

In a very dominant show, it was a determined Toby Martyn who looked like a winner all day. Jack Peace was riding very well but a stop in section five on the first lap left him on the back foot. When Martyn stopped in section four on the second lap, Peace knew the fight for the victory was still in his reach but little by little it was Martyn who opened up the advantage to secure his first ACU Trial GB British Championship title.

Toby Martyn (TRRS UK):I am delighted to take the title with wins in seven of the nine rounds. I have enjoyed the season and I must thank the ACU for making up a very good and varied nine round championship. The TRRS has been awesome at all the rounds, and I thank everyone involved for their input on the way to the championship title. During the year we have encountered such a varied amount of riding conditions where the tyre choice is essential. The feedback and feel from the Michelin tyres gave me the confidence to fight for the win in every round. They have been a very important part of the fight for the overall championship with their superior grip capabilities allowing me to show my riding skills to the limit”

 Results Round Nine – Dudwood Farm – 24/10/2021

Trial GB Championship Class

1: Toby Martyn (TRRS UK) 14; 2: Jack Peace (MRS FACTORY Sherco) 22; 3: Billy Green (BMS Scorpa) 37; 4: Iwan Roberts (TRRS UK) 60.

2021 ACU Trial GB British Championship

1: Toby Martyn (TRRS UK) 180; 2: Jack Peace (MRS FACTORY Sherco) 155; 3: Billy Green (BMS Scorpa) 130; 4: Iwan Roberts (TRRS UK) 87; 5: Dan Peace (MRS FACTORY Sherco) 62.

2021 ACU Trial 2 British Champion

Andy Chilton (BMS Scorpa)

2021 ACU Trial Expert British Champion

Tom Affleck (MRS Sherco) – Michelin

2021 ACU Trial 125 British Champion

Harry Hemingway (Beta-UK) – Michelin



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