Sunday 10th September saw Richmond Motor Club run the annual Mintex Youth Time & Observation Trial, often referred to as the ‘Mini Scott Trial’.
It was bright and sunny on the Start Field in Hurst, with just a few dark clouds in the distance, as the riders signed on and got their bikes scrutineered. The threat of thunder after a few humid days loomed over the course, thankfully holding off until the last few riders raced down the field as the trial came to a close. Despite relatively firm ground from a few weeks of dry weather, some riders still found themselves caked in mud at the end of the day.

Clerk of Course Matthew Maynard briefed the riders, before a record 72 riders set off onto the course at 30-second intervals. The course consisted of 2 laps of 30 sections across some well-known Scott Trial ground. Some familiar names appeared on the entry list this year, with 6-times Scott Trial winner Dougie Lampkin (MBE)’s son Fraiser (Vertigo) riding once again, alongside George Hemingway (Beta), who was still on a high after being crowned 2023 Trial 3 World Champion only last week. Hemingway was the last rider to set off, and raced ahead to set Standard Time of exactly 3 hours, receiving the Mintex Cup.
The scores were slightly lower than 2022, perhaps due to a lack of heavy rainfall prior to the event. Hemingway dropped 12, after a couple of slack fives on the first lap, awarding him the NLS Contracts Trophy for the rider with the best performance on observation. This low score combined with 0 penalty marks on time meant Hemingway was awarded the Mintex Trophy for first place, as well as a Michelin rear tyre kindly donated by AG Bikes.

In second place was Euan Sim (Beta) on 26 marks, who finished in third place in 2022. Sim finished in 3 hours, 9 minutes and 30 seconds, knocking 10 minutes off his 2022 time. He received 10 marks on time, bringing his total to 36 marks. Sim was awarded the Barry Robinson Trophy for Second Place, as well as a Michelin rear tyre kindly donated by CJ Tennant Engineering, and once again won the Luscombe Suzuki Trophy for the best performance by a rider under the age of 15 on the date of the event.
Bill Reeves (TRRS) came in third place, despite riding with a damaged throttle for part of the event. Reeves finished on 33 marks lost, in 3 hours, 6 minutes and 30 seconds, meaning 7 time points. He was awarded the W. C. Stones Trophy, as well as a Michelin rear tyre donated by Richmond Motor Club.

Harison Skelton (Scorpa) came in fourth place, dropping 42 marks on observation and 7 on time, giving him a final score of 49 and receiving the Lowther Engineering Trophy. In fifth place, Callum Fowler (Beta) received the Mark and Mags Lundberg Trophy, with a solid 31 marks on observation, and 22 penalty marks on time due to some bike issues, pushing him down the scoreboard. Receiving Mintex Salvers were Fraiser Lampkin (Vertigo) in sixth place with 52 observation and 4 time; Josh McParland (Beta) in seventh place with 46 observation and 24 time; Jack Dixon (Scorpa) in eighth place with 54 on observation and 18 on time; Jamie Rowntree (Beta) in ninth place with 72 on observation and 18 on time; and Harry Blackwell (Beta) with 41 on observation and 57 on time.
Thomas Wright (Beta) was the last official finisher on time, receiving the Suffell Trophy with 117 marks on observation and 150 on time after finishing in exactly 5 hours and 30 minutes.
Jamie Walton (Beta) won the Syl Palmer Trophy for the best performance by a First Timer, with a score of 123 and time penalties of 120, giving him a total score of 243.

Holly Dixon (Beta) was awarded the Harkers Coaches Trophy, alongside a Michelin rear tyre donated by Richmond Motor Club for the rider showing Best Endeavour, after managing to get round the course on her first attempt, and stopping to assist other riders before continuing on the course. Dixon also won the J. S. Johnson Trophy for the best performance by a female rider, finishing with an observation score of 145, time penalties of 121, giving her a total score of 266.
A technical issue with the results computers meant only the top three trophies and Best Endeavour award could be presented on the Start Field after the trial. The Club would like to apologise for this; all remaining awards will be sent out to recipients in due course.

A huge well done to all riders who came and rode the trial, and thank you to parents for all their support. Richmond Motor Club would like to say a special thanks to the landowners, farmers and gamekeepers for the use of the land. Also to the Clerk of Course and all his helpers, to marshalls, observers, sponsors, secretaries, petrol stop officials, and everybody else involved in the running of the event. Thank you to Swaledale Mountain Rescue for their continued support of the trial.
Richmond Motor Club would like to wish a speedy recovery to Aflie Carney, who had a crash in between sections.
- George Hemingway (Beta) 12; 2. Euan Sim (Beta) 36; 3. Bill Reeves (TRRS) 40; 4. Harison Skelton (Scorpa) 49; 5. Callum Fowler (Beta) 53; 6. Fraiser Lampkin (Vertigo) 56; 7. Joshua McParland (Beta) 70; 8. Jack Dixon (Scorpa) 72; 9. Jamie Rowntree (Beta) 90; 10. Harry Blackwell (Beta) 98.
The Mintex Trophy for best performance on Time and Observation, together with a Michelin rear tyre kindly donated by AG Bikes: George Hemingway (Beta) 0 Time, 12 Observation; Total 12
The Barry Robinson Trophy for 2nd best performance on Time and Observation, together with a Michelin rear tyre kindly donated by CJ Tennant Engineering: Euan Sim (Beta) 10 Time, 26 Observation; Total 36
The W.C. Stones Trophy for 3rd best performance on Time and Observation, together with a Michelin rear tyre kindly donated by Richmond Motor Club: Bill Reeves (TRRS) 7 Time, 33 Observation; Total 40
The Lowther Engineering Trophy for 4th best performance on Time and Observation: Harison Skelton (Scorpa) 7 Time, 42 Observation; Total 49
The Mark & Mags Lundberg Trophy for 5th best performance on Time and Observation: Callum Fowler (Beta) 22 Time, 31 Observation; Total 53
Luscombe Suzuki Trophy for the rider under 15 with the best performance on Time & Observation: Euan Sim (Beta) 10 Time, 26 Observation; Total 36
The Mintex Cup for the rider creating Standard Time: George Hemingway (Beta) 0 Time, 12 Observation; Total 12
The NLS Contracts Trophy for the rider with the best performance on Observation: George Hemingway (Beta) 0 Time, 12 Observation; Total 12
The Suffell Trophy for the last official finisher on time: Thomas Wright (Beta) 117 Time, 150 Observation; Total 267
The J.S. Johnson Trophy for the best performance by a girl: Holly Dixon (Beta) 121 Time, 145 Observation; Total 266
The Syl Palmer Trophy for the best performance on Time and Observation by a First Timer: Jamie Walton (Beta) 120 Time, 123 Observation; Total 243
The Harkers Coaches Trophy awarded to the rider showing Best Endeavour, together with a Michelin rear tyre kindly donated by Richmond Motor Club: Holly Dixon (Beta)