TRRS and El BUNKER Moto Area reach a collaboration agreement

TRRS continues with its commitment, to support all those initiatives and projects that have to do with the creation of Areas for the practice of Trial, the realisation of courses for the youngest and the promotion of this sport in all its forms.

On this occasion, TRRS has reached an agreement with El BUNKER Moto Area, the most complete Off-Road neurological centre in the Community of Madrid, managed by Borja Zulueta, which has 14 hectares for the practice of up to seven types of Off-road motorcycles -Road, within which 20 areas have been set up for trialeros, made up of quarry stones, logs, pre-cast concrete and other natural elements for different levels.

These areas will grow progressively, according to the commitment acquired with the user, reaching an interzone within the area itself.

The Bunker Moto Area will have different models manufactured by the TRRS brand, both for those who come to the Area without a vehicle, and for those who wish to sign up for the learning and / or improvement courses, from the beginning of February of this year. year, from the electric On-e Kids for the youngest, to the flagship with the RR seal.

From TRRS, we decided a long time ago to use a part of the resources available in the racing game, to support any initiative that had to do with the creation of spaces for the practice of trial, for training the youngest and for promoting sport from a more playful perspective. We support different projects with different formats and they all serve the same purpose.

When I went to Brunete (Madrid), to get to know the Area and Borja’s project better, I thought that in relation to the Trial, if the necessary support were provided and aware that the geography is different, they could come to emulate the Barcelona model (MotoClub CentPeus) in which today there are more than 600 members, without forgetting any other initiative, no matter the size, nor the number of hectares available


Borja Zulueta – The BUNKER Moto Area
Our Center has established itself over the last year as a benchmark for different Off-Road disciplines, mainly Motocross and Enduro, and to complete the circle, also to meet the demand of different riders and fans, who enjoy trial , a modality that we also consider the base of support for the rest of the disciplines, we have invested the necessary resources to create this space and to be able to count on specialized monitors.

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